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      POINTS OF HOO-Winter 2022

    Hundred of Hoo Sailing Club   

Having completed our circumnavigation of Britain (and some of Ireland) it is now I would like to wish all our members –

A Happy Christmas and a Very Prosperous New Year

While I was away your Club was well looked after by your Committee. It seems that a lot of boating fun was enjoyed this summer.

We have just had a very successful and productive Autumn Working Weekend. On top of a lot of general maintenance and tidying, the Scrubbing Posts were repaired, much of the Slipway has been replaced and some of the encroaching weed has been cut. I give a big “Thank You” to all of you who joined in. Almost half the membership came to help, (it would be nice to see the other half sometime). Most of all, we all owe tremendous thanks to Julie who produced a delicious two course hot sit-down lunch for everyone on both Saturday and Sunday.

On November 26th we had another great Quiz Night. Very well attended and much fun was had by all. Thanks to all you generous people who donated raffle prizes, the night even made a profit.

Your committee continues to meet on the second Thursday night of every month. We discuss problems facing the Club, work out solutions and make plans for the future. Probably the biggest problem at the moment is the condition of our moorings. As you all know, it is the responsibility of every member to check and maintain their own moorings. I ask you all to start planning when you are going to inspect your own mooring, If you would like any advice or help, simply ask a member of the Committee.

We are all pretty worried about rising costs so at the AGM the Committee will be recommending that we keep the Club Fees for 2023 and 2024 the same as 2022. Unfortunately, we have no control over Medway Conservancy and mooring costs which will be charged to members at cost price.


The next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Clubhouse on 2nd April 2023. This is not Mothering Sunday nor is it the day the clocks go back so there is no excuse not to turn up! We look forward to seeing every member at our AGM.

Looking forward to sharing another year of relaxed boating in 2023 with you all at the best Club on the Medway.      

                                                                                                                                                                              Esmond White


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